Your gums are the foundation upon which your teeth are built. As a result, they’re an extremely important part of your oral health.
Unfortunately, gum disease (or gingivitis and periodontitis) rarely shows any visible symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. Thus, good oral health care and regular check-ups and cleans are important.
Some of the common symptoms of advanced gum disease include:
- Puffy, red, or swollen gums
- Bleeding when brushing or flossing teeth
- Bad breath
- Gum recession
- A thick build-up of white or stained black/brown tartar around the teeth
- Loose teeth causing pain and discomfort
If you are diagnosed with gum disease, our dentists may recommend periodontal (or gum disease) treatment. This treatment is usually undertaken over two appointments of between 30-90 minutes and involves the removal of tartar deep beneath the gums under local anaesthesia.